UNLV Today & Official

UNLV Today

UNLV Today is a daily e-newsletter that delivers information to UNLV faculty and staff to their e-mail account. Information shared in UNLV Today includes upcoming events, training, benefit changes, organizational changes, and more. Employees and staff are automatically added to the UNLV News Google Group. Learn how to subscribe or unsubscribe.

UNLV Official

UNLV Official electronic mail list disseminates information that the entire campus must receive. Subscription to the UNLV Official list is automatic and occurs at the time an employee e-mail account is established. Employees cannot be removed from the list.

Appropriate Designee for Official Accounts

UNLV Area or Unit Official Account Designee
Athletics Andy Grossman
Business Affairs Amy Carito
Heather Ortiz
Classified Staff Council Breann Wickson
Compliance Initiatives Vincent McGuinness
Diversity Yaa Obeng
Facilities Management
Faculty Senate Elisa Watts
Government Affairs Yahaira Mendez
Information Technology Hector Ibarra
Nick Panissidi
Trish Harrison
Libraries Angela Ayers
Jason Aubin
Sean Kennedy
Media Relations Tony Allen
Vince Alberta
Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement Marian Alper
Mary Terrell
Presidential Fred Tredup
Kyle Kaalberg
Provost Lindsay Couzens
Tondra De
Jennifer Hurtado
Carly Regan
Ariana Turiansky
Public Safety Louise Hardy
Tod Miller
Jessica Moore
Mark Sakurada
Arnold Vasquez
Student Affairs Stephanie Cooper
University and Community Relations Jamilah Brewington
Isabelle Johnson
Francis McCabe
Deana Waddell
VP for Research Official Althea Sheets
Leslie Venzuela

Initial Policy Approved by Cabinet May 1997. Revisions approved 7/30/99.