Zoom & Panopto How-to Tutorials
At UNLV, we have many options available to make it easy to stay in touch with your students, instructors, and colleagues without having to be physically on campus. In this series of videos, you'll find step-by-step information on how to get started with some of our technology-based tools, Panopto and Zoom.

Get Started

Panopto for Instructors
- Downloading 1m 48s
- Recording 1m 47s
- Editing 0m 54s
- Quizzes 2m 15s
- Additional Resources 1m 09s

Zoom for Instructors
- Logging In & Installing 2m 27s
- Scheduling a Zoom Meeting 4m 17s
- Scheduling a Zoom Meeting in WebCampus 2m 17s

Panopto for Students
- Access and Viewing 1m 11s
- Downloading, Recording, and Uploading Your Own Content 2m 04s
- Editing 0m 42s
- Embed a Video 0m 49s

Zoom for Students

Zoom for Faculty/Staff
- Logging In & Installing 2m 27s
- Scheduling a Zoom Meeting 2m 24s
- Basic Zoom Meeting Controls 2m 12s