Improvements in Technology You Can Expect to See This Upcoming Semester

OIT News   |     |   By Isabella Pupo
UNLV IT tent set up at Pioneer Lawn

As a new semester begins, new tools and resources are also here to help you along the way.  UNLV Information Technology (IT) has made some improvements to the technology on campus to provide students, faculty, and staff with enhanced support this fall.

New RebelCard Look & Features 
The official campus ID card is getting a new look, with the winning design being voted on by the campus community back in May. With this, RebelCard also upgraded their system, which will include features such as a tap-and-pay option, easier event check-ins, and mobile credentials available in the future.

Switching to Okta Verify
As a university, we’re moving away from SMS text messaging as a form of multifactor authentication (MFA). Instead, we’re making the switch to Okta Verify, which is a more secure and efficient way to verify your identity when logging into your ACE account. We also recommend setting up Okta Verify on an additional device to ensure you can still access campus applications with your ACE account, even if you forget your primary device.

UNLV-Setup & Expanded Connectivity  
The temporary WiFi network has been changed to UNLV-Setup in order to help users enroll their devices to eduroam, UNLV’s official WiFi network. Additionally, WiFi has been expanded to the UNLV Bookstore and Robert L. Bigelow Physics building for better connectivity across campus.

Upgraded Customer Support
On July 1, all IT-managed computers were upgraded with self-service tools that allow users to install software, access helpful resources, and more themselves without needing to contact the IT Help Desk. Along with this, computers managed by IT were also upgraded with MakeMeAdmin to allow temporary administrative privileges to users and with hard drive encryption to protect user data.

Internal Search on IT Site 
The UNLV IT homepage has been upgraded with an internal IT search engine which allows users to search information only on the UNLV IT site.

“We created the internal website search to provide users with a fast, efficient way to locate content that lives on the IT site using simple keywords,” said Senior IT Web Developer Kevin Kydd. “By limiting search results to UNLV IT web pages only, users can now filter through search results easier and quicker than ever before.”

Computer Lab Enhancements 
Various computer labs around campus have implemented designated laptop docking stations for those who have their own device and would like to study at a lab. Some of these labs have also upgraded their technology with larger screens and mounted cameras for students learning remotely.

“Many students often tend to have their own laptops and need more study spaces on campus which is why we decided to add these stations,” says Manager of Computer Facilities Matthew Buk. "With this, we’ve also replaced 216 computers across nine facilities and opened a new lab, CRC 218, for all of our students this fall.”

Training Moved to REBELearn 
Since spring, many online webinars and workshops have been moved to REBELearn, a platform where UNLV staff can complete their training. By migrating to REBELearn, staff can register and complete courses all in one place.

WebCampus Grades Merging with MyUNLV
To make entering grades more convenient, instructors will soon have the option to load their WebCampus final course grades into their MyUNLV grade rosters.

“If instructors choose to use this feature, it would eliminate the need to enter grades manually into MyUNLV and reduce possible errors as it syncs the two systems together,” says senior WebCampus Administrator Yvette Aqui. “This integration is currently being piloted and will be available this upcoming 2024 fall semester.”