All IT Articles

Phone with dating app style design showing computer lab and details.

Fall in Love With Our Computer Labs This Valentine's Day

Our computer labs are tailor-made for you. Discover the unique features each lab has to offer and find your perfect match.

AI-generated image of two women presenting to crowd.

Alethea Inns and Maxine Franks Discuss Navigating AI at Local Cybersecurity Event

UNLV IT’s instructional technology and information security specialists team up to share their expertise on AI and the cybersecurity risks associated with using it.

Laptop with Google's Gemini page on screen.

Google’s AI Assistant Now at Your Fingertips For a Productive Semester

Google’s Gemini App has been enabled for UNLV students, faculty, and staff. The AI tool helps boost efficiency through its chatbot abilities. 

Two people on laptop with code on wall behind them.

Catching AI-Generated Phishing Scams Before They Reel You In

UNLV employees should continue to take extra steps to check for fake emails and messages in the new year. Here are some tips on how to avoid these newest scams.

Person pointing to projector in a classroom.

Spring Into Teaching This Semester With These Technology Tips

Instructors can take steps today to ensure they’re ready to use technology for their classes before the new spring semester kicks off.