Ten Technology Tips to Help Instructors Wrap Up the Fall Semester

OIT News   |     |   By Nicole Johnson
Instructor presenting to students in classroom.

Instructors can prepare themselves and their students for the end of the semester with some pro tips from UNLV information technology (IT) and its campus partners.

Before Finals Week 

Finals Week

  • Complete FERPA training in RebelPeople to ensure you have access to MyUNLV and your grade rosters. MyUNLV grade rosters are available the first day of finals week for regular courses. For modular courses, they are available the last day of the course.
  • Now instructors have the option to directly transfer final course grades from WebCampus to MyUNLV. This allows for a quicker grade entry process for instructors who use WebCampus for grading. 
  • Stop by an open lab if you have questions about WebCampus. Hours have been extended to assist instructors with preparing their WebCampus grade book and applying a grading scheme before transferring WebCampus grades to the MyUNLV grade roster. 
  • Take a break to order food from Grubhub using RebelCash. Students and instructors get free delivery and other perks for adding UNLV to their Grubhub account.

After Finals Week

Students and instructors who experience issues with campus technology or have questions should contact the IT Help Desk.