UNLV IT Makes a Big Splash at the Happiest Homecoming on Earth

OIT News   |     |   By Isabella Pupo
Group of people in costumes in front of decorated golf carts.

UNLV Information Technology (IT) employees casted their sails as they voyaged through UNLV’s annual Rebel Homecoming. With week-long festivities, including an office decorating contest and the Scarlet and Gray Homecoming parade, UNLV IT created their own beach-inspired spin on this year’s “Happiest Homecoming on Earth” theme.

During the office decorating contest, Classroom Technology Services (CTS) won “Best Display” as they turned their office space into a docking port for their pirate crew with finishing nets, treasure chests, and the skeletal remains of lesser fortunate sailors. A team of members across UNLV IT and the Division of Online Education (OE) transformed the Carol C. Harter Classroom Building Complex (CHB-B) front desk area into a Rebel Beach tiki bar, featuring Rebel Whip smoothies and a menu of cybersurf safely themed beverages such as “Phishing Phruit Punch.”

UNLV IT and the Office of Online Education then teamed up again to turn golf carts into a Moana-themed caravan, consisting of an elaborate sea-faring vessel being chased by a volcano monster. The second cart which featured the volcano monster would then turn into a goddess on its reverse side when passing parade watchers. The carts were accompanied by IT and OE staff who waved and passed out candy to onlookers. Simultaneously, UNLV IT staff continued to promote safe surfing practices with a security themed outreach table for all festival attendees.  

Thank you to the many volunteers who helped and supported UNLV IT in their participation at this year’s Rebel Homecoming.

UNLV Information Technology 

  • Julie Acheson 
  • Frank Alaimo
  • Karen Asquith 
  • Safiyya Bintali 
  • Andy Borts 
  • Gerica Buchanan 
  • John Contreras 
  • Maxine Franks 
  • Trish Harrison 
  • Tiffany Hilk
  • Antuany Huynh 
  • Hector Ibarra
  • Alethea Inns 
  • Matt Kole 
  • Kivanc Oner
  • Casey Overton 
  • Rakitha Perera 
  • Bob Soulliere
  • Michael Theil
  • Pulasthi Thennakoon 
  • Vikki Weaver

Office of Online Education

  • Beth Barrie
  • Suzanne Becker
  • Amber Ford
  • Alyssa Hill 
  • Gilberto Murillo
  • Naes Pierott
  • Dimanche Pharath Rith
  • Ted Weisman