Need more information on Canvas? A WebCampus Resources guide is available for instructors and students to find helpful resources all on one page.
UNLV IT Help Desk
If you have questions regarding WebCampus, please contact the UNLV IT Help Desk using the following methods:
Phone: 702-895-0777
Submit a ticket: WebCampus Help Request form or click on Help from Canvas and select Report a Problem
Request a one-on-one consultation
In-person support: Visit the UNLV IT Help Desk website for up-to-date information on in-person support.
Help Desk Hours
Phone: 7 days a week 8:00 am - 8:00pm (including holidays)
See above for in-person support hours.
Open Labs for Instructors
The Office of Information Technology is available for support through WebCampus Open Labs every Friday 9am - 11am in CHB C145. You can join open lab in person, no registration required, or you may register for a virtual open lab where you can either use your computer so we can see each other's screens or via telephone only for quick questions without video. To register for an available Virtual Open Lab session please visit our Virtual Open Lab schedule. (You must be logged in to your Google account to register for a virtual open lab.)
If Fridays are not convenient for you, you may request a 30 minute one-on-one consultation on at date and time that works for you. If we are available, we will send you an invitation, if not, we'll reach out to find a date and time that works for both of us.
Start of the Semester Open Labs for Instructors
Visit CHB C-145 for walk-in consultations to help you get your WebCampus course ready for the semester. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY!
- Tuesday, 1/21 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
- Wednesday, 1/22 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
- Friday, 1/24 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
If none of these dates or times work for you, or you prefer to meet virtually, we also have some specially scheduled one-on-one WebCampus consultations during the start of the semester on select dates and times.
For your convenience, we also created a WebCampus Training Calendar that contains our additional open lab schedule.
Don't forget, you can always request a 30 minute one-on-one consultation (in-person or virtual) on at date and time that works for you and we will try to accommodate your request.
E-Learning Technology Virtual Consultations
Are you looking for hands-on guidance to make the most of your e-learning tools? The E-Learning consultations provide one-on-one just-in-time support for faculty and staff to enhance teaching and student engagement.
What We Cover:
- Video Conferencing (Zoom): Learn best practices and advanced features to make your virtual sessions seamless and effective.
- Video Content Management (Panopto): Optimize how you create, manage, and share video content with students.
- Polling Tools (Slido): Engage your students with interactive polls and Q&A features.
How It Works:
- Book a 30-minute consultation at your convenience.
- Get tailored assistance to explore specific solutions or applications of the tools you use.
- Walk away with actionable strategies to improve your teaching and engagement.
Ready to Get Started? Schedule Your Consultation Now!
Office of Online Education
- Office of Online Education resources for instructors
- Office of Online Education resources for students
Office of Accessibility
The Accessibility Resources Team (A.R.T) provides oversight and resource support to help ensure the accessibility of Information and Communication Technologies at UNLV and promotes equal access for persons with disabilities. The A.R.T. provides training opportunities for instructors on the Foundations of Accessibility, Accessibility in Canvas, various accessibility workshops and open labs to support you in making accessibility happen.
Training/Open Labs: