Canvas Training Workshops

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You can also manually add the calendar to your UNLV mail calendar: Under "Other Calendars", click on the + sign, select Subscribe to calendar and enter WebCampus Training in the "Add calendar" text box. Select the calendar to view the workshops on the dates/times they are available.

REGISTRATION CLOSES 2 DAYS PRIOR TO SCHEDULED DATES (except open labs). Workshops that have no seats available or have been cancelled have been hidden from the registration list.

Training Options

Self-paced, online training on demand

In-person and virtual training workshops and consultations (see courses and descriptions below)

Training Registration

Take Your UNLV Courses to the Next Level

Review the topics below to see what consultation topics are available. 

WebCampus 101: The Basics – An Introduction to WebCampus (:60)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • None

Get to know WebCampus. This is an introductory workshop that will demonstrate how to navigate WebCampus and discuss the most common features of WebCampus. This workshop shows you how to manage your WebCampus account settings, including notifications. This workshop does not provide any information about course settings (WebCampus 209) or course content (various workshops). (60 minutes)

WebCampus 203: Creating Pages and Changing Your Homepage (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • Knowledge of the various navigational items in WebCampus (in Workshop 209)
  • Knowledge of the various types of content available for use in WebCampus
  • Knowledge of the Assignments navigational item in WebCampus
  • Understand the concepts of Publish and Unpublish in WebCampus
  • Understand the concept of Accessibility

Pages store content and educational resources that are part of a course or group but don’t necessarily belong in an assignment. Pages can include text, video, and links to files and other course or group content by utilizing the Rich Content Editor in WebCampus. Pages can also be linked to other pages. You can then choose to use a page as the first thing a student sees when they open your course. There are several other options to use as a home page as well such as Modules, Syllabus, or recent activity. (45 minutes)

WebCampus 204: WebCampus Calendar (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • What the course summary is in the WebCampus Syllabus page useful, not required (in Workshop 207)
  • Understanding of what assignments are in WebCampus useful, not required (in Workshop 302)

Leverage the calendar in WebCampus to let your students know key dates. Create events for your students so they show on their WebCampus calendar and on their course summary within the course. No more paper signup sheets in the class…you can create appointment times in the WebCampus calendar and have students sign up directly in WebCampus. This is not using the WebCampus integration with Zoom. (45 minutes)

WebCampus 205: Importing Content from Another WebCampus Course or the Commons (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • Knowledge of the various types of content available for use in WebCampus (in Various Workshops: Pages, 203; Modules, 206; Syllabus, 207; Course Settings, 209; Quizzes, 301, Assignments, 302, 311, 312, 313, 315, 503, 507; Discussions, 303; Gradebook settings, 306; Badges 309; Mastery Paths 310; Groups 314)
  • This workshop may not be useful to those that are not instructors or course designers

There are a variety of ways in to import content into your WebCampus course. This includes importing from another WebCampus course, from the Commons, and/or from WebCampus content that has been shared with you by another instructor. You can easily copy specific or all content from another WebCampus course or the Commons with just a few clicks of your mouse. Importing content does not overwrite content already created in your course, it will add to, with exception, and we will talk about that when we get to importing from the commons or direct share. This workshop does not cover importing documents or content that are not already in a WebCampus course or the Commons. (45 minutes)

WebCampus 206: Mastering Modules (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • Understand the concepts of Publish and Unpublish in WebCampus
  • Understand the concept of Availability Dates for Content in WebCampus
  • Knowledge of the various types of content available for use in WebCampus
  • Understand how to modify your course navigation useful, not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • This workshop does not cover how to create course content (various workshops)

Build your WebCampus course with confidence. Learn why modules are one of the best and most popular ways to design a WebCampus course. This workshop guides you through creating a module and adding content. Modules allow instructors to organize content to help control the flow of the course. Modules are used to organize course content by weeks, units, or a different organizational structure. Modules essentially create a one-directional linear flow of what students should do in a course. Each module can contain files, discussions, assignments, quizzes, and other learning materials. This workshop does not cover how to create course content (various workshops). (45 minutes)

WebCampus 207: Syllabus and Course Summary (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • Knowledge of the various types of content available for use in WebCampus
  • Understand the concepts of Publish and Unpublish in WebCampus
  • Understand the concept of Availability Dates for Content in WebCampus
  • This workshop will NOT cover how to build your syllabus or the content to be included in your syllabus

The Syllabus in WebCampus provides you a place to upload your syllabus so students can find it easily. You can customize the student view of the syllabus to any extent from simply providing a link to the syllabus file or very engaging by using html coding to include your entire syllabus divided into tabs for the student to see. Whatever level of customization, the syllabus tool makes it easy to communicate to your students exactly what will be required of them throughout the course in chronological order through the Course Summary section of the page. This workshop does not discuss the specific content you should include in your syllabus. (45 minutes)

WebCampus 208: Managing Files (:30)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • Knowledge of the various types of content available for use in WebCampus
  • How to create a module and what modules are used for (in 206 Workshop)
  • How to utilize the rich content editor (in 203 Workshop)
  • Understand the concepts of Publish and Unpublish in WebCampus
  • Understand the concept of Availability Dates for Content in WebCampus
  • Understand how to modify your course navigation useful, not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • This workshop does not cover how to create course content (various workshops)

Files can include course files (any file type), assignments, syllabi, readings, or other documents, as well as profile pictures and user-specific files. Instructors can lock folders and files so they can only be viewed by direct links or only unlock on a specific date. Learn how to place files in Modules, and in pages, announcements, assignments, quizzes or anywhere in WebCampus that uses the Rich Content Editor. This workshop does not cover how to create course content (various workshops). (30 minutes)

WebCampus 209: Course Settings (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • Knowledge of the various types of content available for use in WebCampus
  • Knowledge of how modules are used (in 206 Workshop)
  • Understand the concepts of Publish and Unpublish in WebCampus
  • Understand the concept of Accessibility
  • This course does not cover how to create or import content in your course (various workshops)

Learn how to apply an image to your course card on the dashboard. Modify your course navigation to create a seamless experience for you and your students. See all of the optional settings in your courses. This course does not cover how to create or import content in your course (various workshops). (45 minutes)

WebCampus 210: Communication Methods (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • Knowledge of the various types of content available for use in WebCampus
  • How to utilize the rich content editor (in 203 Workshop)

Investigate the various methods available to communicate with your students while maintaining a presence in your course. There are both asynchronous and synchronous methods available. Topics include the WebCampus Inbox, Announcements, and Chat. This workshop discusses how Discussions (WebCampus 303) and Zoom can be used as a communication tool, although they will not be covered in this workshop. (45 minutes)

WebCampus 301: Tests, Quizzes, and Surveys (:60)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create a module and how modules are used (in 206 Workshop)
  • How to utilize the rich content editor (in 203 Workshop)
  • Understand how to modify your course navigation useful, not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • Knowledge of grading schemes for letter grades useful, but not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • Knowledge of Accessibility needs (DRC – Disability Resource Center)
  • This workshop will NOT show you how to import test questions from a publisher or a Word document or Excel sheet

Dive into the WebCampus Quiz tool. Learn the basics needed to start using quizzes and surveys in your WebCampus course during this workshop. The Quiz tool is used to create quizzes, tests, exams, and surveys whether they are graded or not. We also cover the various types of questions you can make, as well as how to create and use question banks. You will also see how students take a quiz and how it all appears in the Gradebook. This workshop does not cover importing test questions from a publisher or a file (WebCampus 501). (60 minutes)

WebCampus 302: Assignments (:60)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create a module and how modules are used (in 206 Workshop)
  • How to utilize the rich content editor (in 203 Workshop)
  • Understand how to modify your course navigation useful, not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • Knowledge of grading schemes for letter grades useful, but not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • This workshop does not cover Assignment Groups, Rubrics, Group Assignments, TurnItIn Plagiarism Detection, or Google Cloud Assignments (in various workshops)

Discover the ease of assignment creation in WebCampus. In this workshop, learn the workflow of assignment creation for many different types of assignments, both graded and ungraded. You will also learn how to edit multiple due and availability dates at once. This workshop does not cover Assignment Groups (WebCampus 311), Rubrics (WebCampus 312), Group Assignments (WebCampus 314), TurnItIn Plagiarism Detection (WebCampus 503), or Google Cloud Assignments (WebCampus 507). (60 minutes)

WebCampus 303: Discussion Forums (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create a module and how modules are used (in 206 Workshop)
  • How to utilize the rich content editor (in 203 Workshop)
  • Understand how to modify your course navigation useful, not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • Knowledge of grading schemes for letter grades useful, but not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • This workshop does not cover Assignment Groups, Rubrics, Peer Review, or Podcast Feeds (in various workshops)

Explore the Discussion Board feature in WebCampus. Learn how to create discussion topics for both graded and ungraded assignments. Learn how to use discussion topics as a communication tool with your students. Investigate the options available in discussions such as allowing students to “Like” each other’s posts and the ability to create their own discussion topics. This workshop will not cover Assignment Groups (WebCampus 311), Rubrics (WebCampus 312), Peer Review (WebCampus 313), or Podcast Feeds. (45 minutes)

WebCampus 305: Grading Submissions (:60)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create gradable content in WebCampus (various Workshops – Quizzes, 301; Assignments, 302; Discussions, 303)
  • Assignment groups (in 311 Workshop)
  • Gradebook options useful, but not necessary (in 306 Workshop), specifically Missing and Late assignment options and Statuses
  • Knowledge of grading schemes for letter grades useful, but not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • This workshop does not cover how to grade TurnItIn Assignments or Google Cloud Assignments  or gradebook settings and options (in various workshops)

The simplicity of the WebCampus Gradebook will make you excited to start grading. Learn tips and tricks to make grading easier than ever during this workshop. Investigate how easy it is to leave both annotated feedback, as well as, written and audio and video feedback for your students. This workshop does not cover how to grade TurnItIn Assignments (WebCampus 503) or Google Cloud Assignments (WebCampus 507) or gradebook settings and options (WebCampus 306). (60 minutes)

WebCampus 306: Organizing your Gradebook (:60)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create gradable content in WebCampus (various Workshops – Quizzes, 301; Assignments, 302; Discussions, 303)
  • Assignment groups (in 311 Workshop)
  • How Conversation Messages (Inbox) in WebCampus works useful, but not required (in WebCampus 210)
  • How to grade submissions useful, but not necessary (in 305 Workshop)
  • Knowledge of grading schemes for letter grades useful, but not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • This workshop does not cover grading submissions, weighted grading or dropping scores (in various workshops)

Keep your grade book organized. Learn how to filter your gradebook to view a single assignment or a group of assignments based on assignment groups or modules. Learn how to automatically apply a deduction to late submissions and how to hide grades from your students and show them when you want. View how gradebook totals and sub-totals appear to you and your students. Learn how to create and set a grading scheme (letter grades) in your course. This workshop does not cover grading submissions (WebCampus 305), weighted grading (WebCampus 311) or dropping scores (WebCampus 311). (60 minutes)

WebCampus 307: WebCampus Analytics (:30)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How Conversation Messages (Inbox) in WebCampus works useful, but not required (in WebCampus 210)
  • How to access SpeedGrader in the WebCampus gradebook, useful, but not necessary (in 305 Workshop) – for Quiz Logs
  • Knowledge of creating quizzes useful, but not required (in 301 Workshop) – for Quiz Statistics

Keep apprised of what has been happening in your course using built-in analytics. See what content and pages students are accessing in your course. See how to access downloadable reports. Use the analytics to contact students based on specific criteria. Also learn about quiz statistics that are available and how to view quiz logs for each individual student. (30 minutes)

WebCampus 308: Master Courses, The Commons, and Sharing Content (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • Knowledge of the various types of content available for use in WebCampus (in Various Workshops: Pages, 203; Modules, 206; Syllabus, 207; Course Settings, 209; Quizzes, 301, Assignments, 302, 311, 312, 313, 315, 503, 507; Discussions, 303; Gradebook settings, 306; Badges 309; Mastery Paths 310; Groups 314)
  • This workshop may not be useful to those that are not instructors or course designers

Are you teaching more than one section of a course or do you teach the same course each semester? Become more efficient by creating one master course that you can copy into multiple sections. A department can standardize the materials in a course while allowing instructors to personalize their content, due dates, and gradebook. Find out how to leverage the Commons to share content with your colleagues or as a repository for your own content. (45 minutes)

WebCampus 309: Badging in WebCampus (:60)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create a module and how modules are used, including requirements and prerequisites in Modules (in 206 Workshop)
  • How to create pages and utilize the rich content editor (in 203 Workshop)
  • Understand how to modify your course navigation useful, not required (in 209 Workshop)

You can create digital badges within WebCampus, and associate those badges with the completion of modules in your course. You will be able to easily see the progress of students in your course and export badging data. Additionally, learn how you can permit students to view a privacy-protected class leaderboard to see how they compare to their classmates and share their badges on social media. (60 minutes)

WebCampus 310: Guiding Students with Mastery Paths (:60)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create a module and how modules are used (in 206 Workshop)
  • How to create gradable content in WebCampus (various Workshops – Quizzes, 301; Assignments, 302; Discussions, 303)
  • How to create pages and utilize the rich content editor (in 203 Workshop)
  • Understand how to modify your course navigation useful, not required (in 209 Workshop)

The WebCampus Mastery Paths feature allows you or a course designer to customize learning experiences to your students based on their performance. With Mastery Paths, you identify activities for each student’s learning path and differentiate assignments for required learning, optional learning, or choosing their own content and assignments within a specific path, which helps them achieve course mastery. (60 minutes)

>WebCampus 311: Assignment Groups and Weighted Grading (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create content in WebCampus useful, but not required (various Workshops – Quizzes, 301; Assignments, 302; Discussions, 303)
  • Knowledge of grading schemes for letter grades useful, but not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • This workshop will not cover how to create course content, including quizzes, assignments, and discussions (in various workshops)

Learn how to utilize assignment groups in WebCampus to organize your assignments, view sub-totals based on assignment grouping, and apply weighted grading to your course. You will also learn how assignment groups can be used to drop lowest and/or highest scores, in a group of assignments, from the gradebook, based on your settings. This workshop will not cover how to create course content, including quizzes (WebCampus 301), assignments (WebCampus 302), and discussions (WebCampus 303). (45 minutes)

WebCampus 312: Rubrics (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create content in WebCampus (various Workshops – Assignments, 302; Discussions, 303)
  • This workshop will not cover how to create assignments (WebCampus 302) or discussions (WebCampus 303). It will also not cover the pedagogical context of rubric creation

Create rubrics to set expectations for coursework and to provide a consistent grading structure for assignments. Learn how to create a rubric in WebCampus and attach it to an assignment and/or discussion forum. You will also learn how rubrics can be used for grading. This workshop does NOT cover the pedagogy behind creating a rubric. This workshop will not cover how to create assignments (WebCampus 302) or discussions (WebCampus 303). It will also not cover the pedagogical context of rubric creation. (45 minutes)

WebCampus 313: Peer Review in WebCampus (:60)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create assignments (in 302 Workshop) – if using peer review for assignments
  • How to create discussion forums (in 303 Workshop) – if using peer review for discussions
  • How to create TurnItIn assignments (in 503 Workshop)  – if using PeerMark peer review for TurnItIn assignments
  • Although this workshop demonstrates how to set up the peer review within an assignment, it does not cover all assignment settings (in 302 Workshop) 

You can have your students provide feedback to each other on their submitted assignments directly in WebCampus. The peer review option on assignments and discussions makes use of the same tools for detailed online annotations available through SpeedGrader. You can choose to assign students by name to review each other's work, or have reviews randomly distributed with a single click. This randomization process can be set up ahead of time, so it happens automatically after all original assignments have been submitted. You will be able to see which reviews have been completed from the Peer Review area of the assignment, and click to view them. Although this workshop demonstrates how to set up the peer review within an assignment, it does not cover all assignment settings (WebCampus 302). (60 minutes)

WebCampus 314: Student Groups in WebCampus (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create a module and how modules are used (in 206 Workshop)
  • How to utilize the rich content editor (in 203 Workshop)
  • How to create assignments (in 302 Workshop) – if using group assignments
  • How to create discussion forums (in 303 Workshop) – if using group discussions
  • Understand how to modify your course navigation useful, not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • Although this workshop demonstrates how to set up an assignment as a group assignment, it does not cover all assignment settings (in 302 Workshop) 

Empower your students to work effectively in team projects. In this workshop, learn how Groups in WebCampus will promote collaboration in group projects by creating a “course within a course”. Learn how to monitor, evaluate, assess, and advise students through completion of their project. You will also learn how to turn an assignment into a group assignment. Although this workshop demonstrates how to set up an assignment as a group assignment, it does not cover all assignment settings (WebCampus 302). (45 minutes)

WebCampus 315: Attendance in WebCampus (:30)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • Understand how to modify your course navigation useful, not required (in 209 Workshop)

Use the built-in attendance tool in WebCampus, Roll Call, to track attendance in your class. The Roll Call Attendance feature in WebCampus allows instructors to indicate who was present, absent, and tardy for each class session. You will learn how a student’s attendance grade is automatically adjusted each time you take attendance in the class. (30 minutes)​

WebCampus 401: WebCampus Boot Camp (16 hours - (2) 8 hour days)

Be ready to take your course from empty shell to student-ready in this intensive, hands-on, 2-day workshop. This 2 day intensive, hands-on workshop covers WebCampus 101, 201-204, 301-307, and 502-503 WebCampus U curriculum. This will take place over 2 consecutive days, 8 hours per day, including breaks and 1 hour lunch (on your own). (16 hours)

This workshop will run 8:30 am – 4:30 pm for 2 consecutive days. A continental breakfast, beverages, and snacks will be available. Three 10 minute breaks will be taken each day, along with a 1 hour break for lunch. Lunch will be on your own. The room will be closed and locked during the lunch break.

Note: Placeholder materials will be available in the workshop, but it will be more efficient if you bring your own materials on a flash drive.

WebCampus 402: WebCampus Essentials (4 hours)

This ½ day, hands-on, intensive course will cover WebCampus 101, 201-204: The Basics, Course Settings and Modules, Communication and Syllabus, Creating Pages and Setting Your Homepage, WebCampus Calendar. (4 hours)

This workshop will run 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. A continental breakfast, beverages, and snacks will be available. Two 10 minute breaks will be provided.

Note: Placeholder materials will be available in the workshop, but it will be more efficient if you bring your own materials on a flash drive.

WebCampus 403: WebCampus Content (7 hours)

This ¾ day, hands-on, intensive workshop will cover WebCampus 301-304, 501-503, 507: Tests, Quizzes and Surveys, Assignments and Rubrics, Discussion Forums, Roll Call Attendance and Managing Group Work, Respondus Test Creator, Respondus LockDown Browser, TurnItIn Plagiarism Detection, Leveraging Google in WebCampus. This will take place over 7 hours, including breaks and 1 hour lunch (on your own). (7 hours)

This workshop will run 8:30 am – 3:30 pm. A continental breakfast, beverages, and snacks will be available. Three 10 minute breaks will be provided, along with a 1 hour break for lunch. Lunch will be on your own. The room will be closed and locked during the lunch break.

Although there is not a prerequisite to this workshop, you will be expected to have a working knowledge of Modules in WebCampus .

Note: Placeholder materials will be available in the workshop, but it will be more efficient if you bring your own materials on a flash drive.

WebCampus 501: Respondus Quiz and Exam Creator (:60)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create Quizzes in WebCampus (in 301 Workshop)
  • This workshop will not cover question groups or WebCampus quiz options (in 301 Workshop)

Respondus is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to WebCampus. Exams can be created offline using a Windows environment directly in Respondus 4.0 or by importing questions from a publisher test bank or from a Microsoft Word or Excel file. This workshop will demonstrate the question formatting required for file imports. You will then learn how to import a Respondus 4.0 question file directly into a WebCampus test bank or quiz. This workshop will not cover question groups or WebCampus quiz options (WebCampus 301). (60minutes)

WebCampus 502: Respondus LockDown Browser (:60)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create Quizzes in WebCampus (in 301 Workshop)
  • Understand how to modify your course navigation useful, not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • This workshop will not cover how to create a quiz in WebCampus (in 301 Workshop)

Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within WebCampus to help deter cheating during online exams. Prevent students from opening other websites, capturing screen content, printing, or accessing any other application than the quiz in WebCampus. Respondus LockDown Browser is ideal for proctored environments. Respondus monitor is an application that records students as they take a quiz in WebCampus via a Webcam. You can then watch the video to look for any potential signs of cheating. (60 minutes)

WebCampus 503: Turnitin Plagiarism Detection (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create Assignments in WebCampus (in 302 Workshop)
  • Although this workshop demonstrates how to set up TurnItIn within an assignment, it does not cover all assignment options (in 302 Workshop).
  • This workshop will not cover PeerMark, the TurnItIn peer review tool (in 313 Workshop)

Learn how to utilize a large database of content to identify plagiarized content in your student's papers. Learn how to utilize TurnItIn as an educational tool to teach students how to work with sources and improve their paraphrasing and quoting skills. Although this workshop demonstrates how to set up TurnItIn within an assignment, it does not cover all assignment options (WebCampus 302). This workshop will not cover PeerMark, the TurnItIn peer review tool (WebCampus 313).(45 minutes)

WebCampus 507: Leveraging Google in WebCampus (:45)

Prerequisites/Prior WebCampus Knowledge:

  • How to access/login to WebCampus and access a course (in 101 Workshop)
  • How to create Assignments in WebCampus (in 302 Workshop)
  • Understand how to modify your course navigation useful, not required (in 209 Workshop)
  • Although this workshop demonstrates how to set up the Google Cloud Assignment within an assignment, it does not cover all assignment options (in 302 Workshop)

Leverage the power of Google Docs as it is integrated within WebCampus to provide a collaborative environment in which to share ideas and provide ongoing feedback with students. Learn how to create a shared Google document directly in a WebCampus Collaboration to remove the need for you to enter each of your student’s email address in the share settings in Google. The collaborative document can then be accessed through WebCampus or Google Drive. You will also learn how to create a Google Cloud Assignment in which each student gets their own copy of a Google document that you created to “fill in” and submit as an assignment or quiz. Although this workshop demonstrates how to set up the Google Cloud Assignment within an assignment, it does not cover all assignment options (WebCampus 302). (45 minutes)

Other Classroom Technology Support Resources

Panopto Support and Training:

Zoom Support and Training:

Online Education Professional Development

The Office of Online Education offers professional development for instructors interested in improving their teaching practices in digital learning environments. Upcoming workshops can be found on the Teach Online events calendar.