Zoom Video Conferencing
Instructors and staff can host web conferences, online lectures, and virtual office hours in real time using Zoom.
Zoom AI Companion
Zoom AI Companion is available to all UNLV Zoom accounts on February 12, 2024. For more information, see our Zoom AI Companion page.

Zoom Video Tutorials for Instructors
Zoom for Students
Access, Join, and View a Session
Reserving a Virtual Office Appointment
Frequently Asked Questions
Nevada Open Meeting law may require standard security in settings in Zoom to be turned off. Using a unique meeting ID, creating waiting rooms, limiting participants ability to share screens, removing participants, and familiarizing yourself with Host Controls in Zoom is critical for meeting safety and security. For more information on options to secure your meeting, see our Zoom Meeting Security resource.
If you need to update the Zoom desktop app on a UNLV-owned and issued device, you will need to run the Make Me Admin application. For information on running Make Me Admin on Windows and macOS devices, please see Requesting Temporary Local Administrator Access.
If you are having trouble updating the Zoom app, uninstall the app in entirety, and reinstall. Older versions of the Zoom app will not update without being uninstalled first.
If you are faculty or staff, please login to Zoom using your ACE credentials.
(For more information, see Logging Into Zoom.)
If you are a student, you are provisioned with Basic account via your RebelMail (@unlv.nevada.edu). This limits your scheduled meetings to 40 minutes, but does not impact your ability to join meetings.
(For more information, see Logging Into Zoom for Students.)
After logging into Zoom, you can begin exploring it and setting it up. For a complete walkthrough, please see our Zoom Setup Guide. To begin scheduling meetings, please see our Scheduling Zoom Meetings guide.
To schedule on behalf of someone else, you will need privileges to do so in both Zoom and Google Calendar. For tutorials on this, please see our video and our documentation on scheduling.