An instructor reaches a hand out towards a large touchscreen monitor.

Gartner Research

Make informed decisions about technology with insights, guidance, and best practices from a leading IT research organization.

Log Into Gartner

With a campus subscription, UNLV students, faculty, and staff have free access to IT-related research and market analysis from Gartner contributors. They can explore a broad range of topics and the latest trends in technology.

A masked student sits at an outdoor table doing schoolwork.
  • Gather research data and current IT trends to support coursework
  • Review vendor information to prepare for job interviews after graduation
An instructor leads a class from the lectern.
  • Keep up with industry trends to bring real-life examples into the classroom
  • Use data to substantiate research papers
A staff member looks down at a computer screen.
  • Analyze market trends and apply best practices to improve infrastructure
  • Get objective advice to develop procurement requirements

myGartner Dashboard

Once logged in, users see a personalized dashboard displaying recommendations based on their profile and activity. Individuals can customize the content to track IT information that is important to them.


Access special reports with timely research on key technology issues


Build a personal library with curated content, reports, and articles


Access a variety of Gartner IT events and webinars online

Product Reviews

Get advice about products from IT peers to make insightful decisions

Research Methodologies

Leverage tools and methodologies that support research, class materials, and business plans.

Magic Quadrant

Research reports provide qualitative analysis into a market’s competing technology providers

Hype Cycle

Graphic representations show the maturity and adoption of technology and applications

Vendor Rating

Holistic view helps users evaluate technology providers for potential partnerships

Market Forecast

Supply and demand analysis helps prioritize IT investments and identify growth opportunities

Artificial Intelligence Technology

Explore how artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, tools, and practices need to be scaled to enable AI-ready, adaptive applications.