Classrooms Buildings Directory
Below is a complete list of buildings containing Technology Enhanced Classrooms at UNLV. Filter the list by using the following fields.

BEH: Frank and Estella Beam Hall

BHS: Rod Lee Bigelow Health Sciences

BPB: Robert L. Bigelow Physics

CEB: William D. Carlson Education

CHB: Carol C. Harter Classroom Building Complex

CHE: Chemistry Building

FDH: Flora Dungan Humanities

GUA: Greenspun Hall

HEA: Holbert H. Hendrix Education Auditorium

HFA: Alta Ham Fine Arts

HOS: Hospitality Hall

LFG: Lilly Fong Geoscience

MPE: Paul McDermott Physical Education Complex

SEB: Science and Engineering Building

TBE: Thomas T. Beam Engineering Complex

WHI: Juanita Greer White Life Sciences