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Pageless format docs screenshot

Pageless format allows you to remove the boundaries of a page to create an infinite surface to work on.

There are no page breaks, images adjust to your screen size, and wide tables are viewable by scrolling left and right. Line breaks for text will adjust to screen size and as you zoom in and out.

Within a document, navigate to File > Page setup to switch between pages (the default format) and pageless (the new format).

This format is document-specific, so changing the setting for one document will not impact other documents you own.


The feature is now available for all UNLVMail ( and Rebelmail accounts (

Please visit the please visit the Google Workspace Learning Center to learn more about pageless format in Google Docs.

Document summary screenshot

You can now add a summary to your documents to provide a brief overview of the main points in a document.

To add a summary, within a document, navigate to View > Show document outline and the document outline will open on the left side of your screen. At the top, next to Summary, click on + to type in a summary to your document. You can edit it at any time, and it will appear in the document outline for all viewers of your document.


The feature is now available for all UNLVMail ( and Rebelmail accounts (

Please visit the please visit the Google Workspace Learning Center to learn more about adding a document summary in Google Docs. 

Add text watermark screenshot

You can now add a text watermark to your Google Docs instead of having to upload an image. This watermark text will repeat behind the text on every page of your document and is preserved when importing or exporting from Microsoft Word.

This is useful for adding the UNLV logo or to indicate a document's state (e.g., confidential, draft, etc.).


The feature is now available for all UNLVMail ( and Rebelmail accounts (

Please visit the please visit the Google Workspace Learning Center to learn more about adding text watermarks to Google Docs.