On September 25, 2017, Our records indicate that you have changed your home address in your unlv.edu account from an unrecognized device in United States.
If this was you, you're all set!
If this wasn't you and you believe someone else may have made this change, please report account by visiting: [LINK REMOVED] and update your account recovery information or call the Information Technology Services (ITS) Help Desk at 702-895-0400 for assistance.
Please note that if you have multiple email accounts with us, you may receive this message at each email address. If you performed multiple updates, you may also receive separate email confirmations. Please do not reply to this e-mail. This mailbox is not monitored, so replies to this e-mail will not be responded to or read.
Office of Human Resources
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Box 451026
4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
Las Vegas, NV 89154-1026
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