Course Enrollment & Grades

Course Enrollment
This dashboard summarizes the Formula-Funded FTE, Formula-Funded SCH, Total FTE, and Total SCH across the entire university.
Class Enrollment
The Class Enrollment reports provide the most recent enrollment information at the class level. Data are refreshed daily.
Class Enrollment By Modality
The Class Enrollment reports provide the most recent enrollment information by instruction mode at the class level. Data are refreshed daily.
Course Grade Summary
Course Grade Summary dashboard is for individuals who need to see teaching and learning outcome from course final grade data. It presents grade distribution for various terms with both counts and percentiles by course section. Data are as of the official final enrollment census date for each Spring and Fall term.
Course Grade Summary By Modality
The purpose of this dashboard is to summarize the difference in grade distribution between online education (OE) and face-to-face (F2F) courses.

First-year Class Capacity Tracker
The purpose of this dashboard is to monitor class capacity of courses in which first-year students commonly enroll. The list of courses is hardcoded, however, if you would like courses added or removed, you can email with your request.