Standard Reports

Admissions Funnel
This dashboard allows users to explore the Admissions Funnel (Application Count, Applied Count, Admitted Count, Selectivity, Enrolled, and Enrollment Yield). Data for spring and fall terms were captured on the Preliminary Census date while summer term data was captured on the Final Census date.

University Profile
This dashboard summarizes headcount for the entire university both visually and in table form. Users can further breakout enrollment by fields related to academic plan of study, demographics, academic profile and more. All data for spring and fall terms were captured on the Preliminary Census date and all summer term data were captured on the Final Census date.

Course Enrollment
This dashboard summarizes the Formula-Funded FTE, Formula-Funded SCH, Total FTE, and Total SCH across the entire university.

Degrees Conferred
This dashboard summarizes the number of degrees and certificates conferred by academic year, defined as July 1 to June 30. Data for each academic year is pulled on the annual IPEDS census date for degrees conferred calculations.

Student Tracking
This dashboard allows users to create custom pivot tables to explore retention and graduation rates for fall cohorts going back to 1998.

Undergrad Cohort
This dashboard summarizes fall, degree-seeking, new freshmen and transfer cohorts. Users can further filter and breakout cohorts by fields related to full-time status, academic plan of study, and demographics.