Public Reports

External wall of a building with a UNLV Office of Admissions mural displayed.


Displays five years of trend data on applicants, admits, and enrollees at UNLV, across all admit types. Filters for academic career and admission category are available. To protect student privacy, counts below five are withheld. Data can be exported as raw files or visual formats for reports and presentations.

Close shot of a 'Rebels Make it Happen' banner on campus.

Degrees Conferred by Race and Gender

Provides a ten-year trend of degrees conferred by academic year (July 1–June 30), using data from the annual IPEDS census in September. Includes breakdowns by gender and IPEDS race/ethnicity, with filters for academic year and race/ethnicity. Counts under 10 are restricted for privacy. Data can be exported as raw files or visual formats for reports and presentations.

Large UNLV letters in Pida plaza.

Degrees and Certificates by College

Tracks degrees and certificates conferred by academic year (July 1–June 30), with data captured on the annual IPEDS census date in September. Provides summaries by college, degree, and major, with filters for academic year, major, degree type, and college. Trend data are included for academic years 2011-12 and later. Data can be exported as raw files or visual formats for reports and presentations.

Sunrises on a building with UNLV carved into the side.

FTE by Department and Level

Displays state and non-state funded FTE student enrollment, available in graph and table formats. Users can filter by term, college, department, and division, with Preliminary or Final Census FTE data (except for Summer, which is Final only).

Student studies in front of a large window with the Stratosphere tower visible in the background.

SCH by Department and Level

Displays state and non-state funded Student Credit Hours (SCH) in graph and table formats. Users can filter by term, college, department, and division, with Preliminary or Final Census data (except for Summer, which is Final only).