Student Information for Blue Course Evaluations

UNLV values the student feedback received from the semester course evaluations. In order to improve our evaluation process, we have begun to use the Blue eXplorance software to implement course evaluations. Not all colleges and departments are currently using Blue for their course evaluations, so not all of your evaluations will look the same.

Typically course evaluations for the Fall and Spring semesters are conducted during the two weeks prior to Finals Week. Per UNLV policy, evaluations are not conducted during the Final Exam period. During summer sessions, evaluations will open during the last few meeting days of the class. Students must submit their course evaluation before 11:59 PM PST/PDT on the final day of the evaluation period. Modular, dynamic, or other classes that do not follow the regular academic schedule may have their evaluations scheduled to reflect their meeting dates. Evaluations will not be conducted for classes that have posted grades in MyUNLV.

Evaluations are an opportunity for students to provide confidential feedback regarding their class experience to their instructor(s) and their supervisors, and may be used for curriculum development and promotion and hiring decisions. As this is a professional communication, comments should be respectful, focus on the course content/material, and provide as specific as possible examples of what the instructor did well and what could be improved. For additional guidance regarding providing feedback on your course evaluations, please watch this short video.

Students are able to access their course evaluations with the following methods:

  • Email: When evaluations open, students will receive an email from with a link to their course survey. Reminders emailed to students during the evaluation window will also contain this link.
  • MyUNLV: Students may also access their course evaluations through MyUNLV with the following steps:
    • Log into MyUNLV
    • From the Student Homepage select Resources
    • In the menu on the left, select Course Evaluation
    • Be sure pop-up blockers are disabled
    • Select the Course Evaluation link
    • Courses open for evaluation will appear in a new window to be completed
  • WebCampus: After logging into WebCampus, students can select "Course Evaluations" from their WebCampus account profile page. Additionally they can access their open evaluations with links available in the popup message, announcements, and on their calendar. If their instructor has added "Course Evaluations" to their WebCampus course page, students will also be able to use this link to access their course evaluations.

Evaluations do not need to be completed in one sitting. While the evaluation window is open, you may save your responses at any time and return to your evaluation when it is more convenient, but evaluations, even those in progress, will not be accessible once the deadline has passed.

For the results to be valid, we require as many students as possible to complete their course surveys. Therefore you will receive reminder emails during the course evaluation period up until the time you complete and submit the survey. Reminders are not sent for submitted course evaluations.

Your instructors will receive their results after the final grading period, including instructors with modular courses. These reports do not contain any identifying information about students. The quantitative items, where you rank the answers, are provided as an aggregate in the report. However, please note that all comments will appear on the instructor's report as entered in the evaluation questionnaire. To protect student anonymity, at least three course evaluations must be submitted for a report to be created for the instructor. Saved responses from unsubmitted evaluations are excluded from reports.

Yes, each course evaluation has a set window of time that it is available for students to complete. This window will vary according to the length of the class and students must submit their evaluation before the deadline for their feedback to be shared with their instructor. The system will close at the deadline, even if the evaluation is in progress. For regular semester long courses, evaluations will open approximately two weeks prior to the start of finals week and the evaluations will close at 11:59 PM PST/PDT on the Sunday before finals week starts. Courses that do not follow the regular academic calendar, will likely have different dates. Please pay close attention to the deadline listed in your evaluation notifications. To ensure the integrity of the data, once the course surveys have been closed, they will not be reopened!

The data from the course evaluations are included in promotion and tenure decisions for your instructors. Therefore, their administrators will have access to the course reports. The Course Evaluation Coordinator will also have access to the data. Only members of the Course Evaluation Team have access to individual students' responses. As described above, evaluation reports prepared for the instructor and the departments contain aggregated data.

You can contact the Course Evaluation Coordinator, via email at